On this week’s Double Tap News Roundup host Grace Scoffield covered a wide range of topics, from artificial intelligence being built in to screen reading technology, a new type of mobility aid that uses navigational robotics and AI to guide users along their route, plus there’s a sneak peek of an interview with Samuel Green from Zoom, who discussed the challenges of incorporating new accessibility features into the company’s new range of recorders.
The episode also focused on our interview this week with Jeff Hara, a former employee of X, who spoke about his experience during the takeover by Elon Musk and his subsequent decision to leave the company.
Plus there’s news of our network, AMI’s, proposal to the CRTC to adjust the wholesale rates charged to broadcasting distribution undertakings for carrying AMI-tv and AMI-tele in order to enhance service offerings across the network, and called for public support in the form of letters to be submitted to the CRTC.