She explains the app’s layout, which includes five tabs: Get Support, Be My AI, Community, Learn, and Settings. Lena highlights the app’s accessibility for the blind, its availability on both iOS and Android, and the fact that it’s free to use.
She emphasizes the cost burden often associated with disabilities and appreciates that Be My Eyes offers a service that enhances independence without charge. Lena then provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to create a group within the app. Users can create up to five groups, each with a maximum of 20 people. She guides listeners through the process of naming a group, inviting members via various sharing options like Messages, and how to manage the groups.
Lena also mentions the Community tab, where users can find a blog post with additional information about setting up groups, as discussed in a Double Tap On Air show. She explains that Be My Eyes remembers the last tab used and will open to that tab upon the next app launch.
She completes the demo by showing how to send an invitation to a friend who promptly accepts, illustrating how to check group membership and make calls to the group. Lena concludes by mentioning the Specialized Help feature, which connects users with tech companies and other services, such as cooking directions from partner brands like Barilla pasta.
Lena hopes her demonstration will help others set up groups and enjoy using the Be My Eyes app, despite jokingly struggling to say the app’s name correctly.